House 2 in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

House 2 in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

 ‘House 1’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

‘House 1’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

 ‘Unetice’  in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

‘Unetice’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

 ‘House 2’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

‘House 2’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

 House 2 in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery
 ‘House 1’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery
 ‘Unetice’  in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery
 ‘House 2’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023 Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

House 2 in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

‘House 1’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

‘Unetice’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

‘House 2’ in ‘I Don’t Paint What I see’ at Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery’ 2023
Image courtesy of Berntson Bhattacharjee Gallery

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